• 11.03
  • 2013
  • 16:04
  • -

Policemen go from capital to countryside MG to investigate crime against journalist

A team of policemen has been moved from Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais state, to Ipatinga to investigate the death of journalist Rodrigo Neto de Faria. He was 38 years old and was shot three times last Friday.

Faria worked as a police journalist for a local radio and a local newspaper. Police still investigate the motivation, but it is likely that the crime has relation to his work as a journalist. He was shot soon after midnight when entering his car to drive home from work. Witnesses saw two men in a motorcycle approaching the journalist, shooting and fleeing. 

Investigation is now in charge of Homicide Division, based in the capital Belo Horizonte, and not anymore with the local investigators.

Assinatura Abraji