• 26.01
  • 2011
  • 15:29
  • -

Newspaper owner’s house is attacked in the South of Brazil

Orley Antunes, owner and director of “Morretes Notícia”, a local diary in the southern state of Paraná, had his house attacked with bombs on the night of January 17th. According to him, the front door was opened and the bomb was launched towards the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor.

Mr. Antunes, who is 60 years old, recalls two other attacks, when bombs were exploded in front of his house. He says he is “bothering” local politicians through notes published both on his paper and on his blog (orleyantunes.blogspot.com). He says, though, that he does not know who might be responsible for the attack.

Police in Morretes is still investigating the story and has no more details on the attack.

Assinatura Abraji