- 30.05
- 2019
- 15:00
- Abraji
Liberdade de expressão
Acesso à Informação
Abraji Congress to interview VP Hamilton Mourão and minister of Justice Sergio Moro
The 14th International Congress of Investigative Journalism, promoted by Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism) is about to start. The event takes place from June 27 to June 29, 2019, at the Vila Olímpia campus of the Anhembi Morumbi University, in São Paulo. Special promotional price for registrations until 4.Jun.2019. Prices available on the website.
Abraji's president and editor of Estadão Dados and Estadão Verifica, Daniel Bramatti, and Julia Dualibi, a commentator on politics and economics at GloboNews, will be responsible for one of the traditional live interviews of the event, to be held on June 27, starting at 9:15 am. The person to be interviewed is Vice President Hamilton Mourão.
On June 28, at 11am, Sergio Moro, minister of Justice, will be interviewed by three professionals, among them, Fernando Rodrigues, Abraji’s former president (2010-2011) and news director of political news portal Poder360. Moro was the judge responsible for the Lava Jato operation and sent the ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to jail in 2018.
The person honoured in this edition is journalist Miriam Leitão (Globo Group), chosen for her contribution to journalism over a 47-year career. Miriam joins other major Brazilian journalists who have been honoured in previous editions such as Tim Lopes, Rosental Calmon Alves, Dorrit Harazim and Elvira Lobato.
The Congress will be attended by top names of national and international journalism, who will share their professional experiences in lectures and practical workshops throughout the three days of the event. Nine hundred people are expected to attend the conference.
On the first day of the Congress, Pedro Bial (Globo), Cristina Fibe (O Globo) and Helena Borges (O Globo and Infoglobo) will tell about the investigation and revelation of the accusations of sexual abuse against the medium João de Deus. Their articles led to the opening of investigations by the police and the Public Prosecutor, and to the detention of the medium. Other alleged crimes were also disclosed.
On Friday, Andrew Fishman (Intercept) and freelance journalist Sam Cowie will talk about the care they take in portraying the new Brazilian president, as well as the changes they have felt in their relationship with the government. In addition, those responsible for Fiquem Sabendo, a public data agency specializing in the Law on Access to Information, will give a workshop on how to get
requests for information to be answered.
Also on Friday, Adam Ellick, Director and Executive Producer of Opinion Video at The New York Times, will present his work on the series "Operation Infektion"; which addresses the political use of fake news. And freelance journalist Mago Torres will unveil the behind-the-scenes investigation that mapped the clandestine burial pits to disappear bodies of victims in Mexico.
Latin Journalists
On Saturday, Rachel Glickhouse - who is in charge of ProPublica's project Documenting Hate - details about the initiative that uses crowdsourcing and cross-media collaboration to compile data and tells hate crime stories in the United States. On the same day, Emilia Diaz-Struck, researcher and coordinator of ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalism) for Latin America will
talk about machine learning and the investigation of Implant Files.
Two more panels will bring together Latin journalists. On Friday, the theme is “Challenges of Investigative Journalism in Latin America”, with the presence of Uruguayan Fabián Werner (Sudestada), Argentines Iván Ruiz (La Nación) and Diana Cariboni (InterPress Service) and Nicaraguan Octavio Enriquez (La Prensa). On Saturday, the panel will discuss the challenges of independent journalism in Latin America with the presence of Fabián Werner, Venezuelan Liseth Boon (Runrunes), Colombian Hugo Mario Cárdenas (El País) and Guatemalan Gladys Olmstead (Nómada).
Also, on Saturday, particular highlight on "Investigations in technology: how to go beyond gadget journalism", with Gabriel Dance, deputy investigations editor at The New York Times; Diego Salazar, of No Hemos Entendido Nada [We Have Understood Nothing]; and Tatiana Dias, of Intercept Brazil. Another debate will include Daniela Pinheiro (Época), João Caminoto (Estadão), Sérgio Dávila (Folha) and Fernando Rodrigues (Poder360) talking about the role of journalism in an era of extremes.
BuzzFeed USA reporter Ken Bensinger will comment on two major investigative reports he participated in: the revelation of the existence of a dossier on alleged Russian cooperation with Donald Trump's campaign in 2016; and the investigation of Fifagate - a corruption scandal involving the International Football Federation that led to the arrest of José Maria Marin, president of the Brazilian Football Association. Rosental Calmon Alves, director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, will discuss how new business models can save investigative journalism.
Closing the day, Marzena Suchan, editor-in-chief of Onet - Poland's largest digital newspaper - and Luz Mely Reyes - co-founder of the news agency Efecto Cocuyo, in Venezuela - will talk about how it is to be a journalist in countries with authoritarian governments.
Featured Datajor
The great news of the 14 th Abraji Congress is Data Sunday, dedicated exclusively to data journalism workshops. The meeting is open only to participants of the Congress and will take place at Insper on 30.Jun.2019, from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The instructors are journalists and specialized developers, such as José Roberto de Toledo, Abraji adviser and one of the pioneers in the use of data in journalism; Natália Mazotte, executive director of Open Knowledge Brasil; Pedro Burgos, teacher of Insper and creator of the Impacto.jor project; and Álvaro Justen, founder of the Brasil.io platform. Registration can be done on the Congress website.
14th International Investigative Journalism Congress
from 27 to 29 June, 9 AM to 5:30 PM
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, campus Vila Olímpia, Rua Casa do Ator, 275, São Paulo
Data Sunday
30 June, from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Insper, Rua Quatá, 100, São Paulo
More information on the Congress website
The 14th International Congress of Investigative Journalism is sponsored by traditional Abraji project partners, such as Google News Initiative and Facebook Journalism Project, and companies such as Grupo Globo, Itaú, UOL, Twitter, Poder 360, Aos Fatos, Crusoé , Estadão and Folha, as well as media support from CBN, RBS Group, Correio and SBT. The full list of supporters can be
found at congresso.abraji.org.br.